Cassidy Hilts

Game Developer

Hi there!

My name is Cassidy Hilts, a professional developer with passion for developing gameplay systems. I've developed software for 15 years, starting when I was 12 with learning C#, Ruby and C++. Over the last 8 years I've worked as a professional game developer, primarily with experience in Unity. I acted as the lead programmer for games at 20 Below Games, overseeing the development and release for several titles. Games have always been my passion and I love talking about design with other developers and artists, and working to create a vision together. Some of my favourite games that I've played are Outer Wilds, Final Fantasy XIV, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Below you can see a list of projects that I've worked on, and the skills I used in developing them.

Billy Talent Playbook

Rhythm game made for mobile iOS and Android for 20 Below Games. Lead feature development of the entire project, developing UI systems, rhythm gameplay, asynchronous multiplayer gameplay, and live ops mobile support features. One of the biggest challenges was single-handedly managing both iOS and Android versions of the app. iOS and Android needed different audio processing solutions due to differences in how Unity handles audio under the hood, leading to a lot of extra work managing the project outside of Unity in XCode and Android Studio / Gradle.

  • C#

  • Unity Engine

  • Android

Playbook VR

Unity VR game for PC and Oculus Quest standalone. Involved a lot of experience optimizing performance. The Quest 2 standalone required very tuned optimization in order to meet the constraints we were working under, leading to a lot of optimization in terms of efficient object allocation for notes, reducing cost of materials and graphic assets, and optimizing physics calls.

  • C#

  • Unity Engine

Unreal Engine Project

A first person idle \ incremental metroidvania game designed in Unreal Engine to test developing new features quickly and efficiently. Progress and TODO can be found at: https://trello…

  • C++

  • Unreal Engine

Git Link

This site!

This site was a personal coding project to learn a webdev stack for displaying a database of my other projects.

  • Django

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Python